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Basic Invite: First Thoughts.

Invitation from Basic Invite

When you're planning a party or event, having wonderful invitations is key! After all, an invitation sets the tone for the event, right from the start. Colors, themes, level of formality, and more are conveyed by invitations. If done properly, invitation suites can be a wonderful, artistic extension of your gathering.

In this review, I discuss the offerings of Basic Invite, a unique online invitation company. Basic Invite explains that it is one of the few websites that allows customers almost unlimited color options with instant previews online. Once you select a design, you can change the color of each element to over 180 different colors. Talk about making something unique!

Invitation from Basic Invite

From my personal experience, this is absolutely huge! I designed my own wedding invitations and really struggled to get the colors just right. Technology for design has come a surprisingly long way since then, but I can't imagine how much easier my wedding invitation-design process would have been if I'd been able to tweak everything using 180 colors at the click of a button!

Something else I struggled with when working on my wedding invitations was verifying print quality and how, exactly, my printed invites would look. Basic Invite actually allows customers to order a sample of their actual invitation so they can see exactly what they're getting before going through the arduous and costly process of ordering 250 invitations and having to make tweaks.

Invitation from Basic Invite

Something else to love about Basic Invite? Envelopes--in color! Sure, the invite itself is the main draw, but isn't mail that much better when it comes in a brightly colored envelope? I sure think so.

I looked long and hard for purple envelopes to match my wedding invitations, but came up short and settled for plain white greeting card envelopes. I wish I had known about Basic Invite back then! You can order envelopes in 40 different colors! Also, bonus--all envelopes are peel-and-seal, so no licking closed 250 envelopes and getting a tongue paper cut. Ouch.

Basic Invite has other value-adds, like a free address collection service and free envelope printing, making the mailing process a breeze. No more worrying about lining up a label template and trying to get addresses to fit exactly within the squares. That can be such a royal pain!

Invitation from Basic Invite

I've spoken a lot about wedding invitations, but Basic Invite goes way beyond that! If you're looking for a simple party invitation, custom made birthday invitations, or kids birthday invitations, you should check them out. I'm a huge fan of adorable invitations for kid parties, like this dinosaur. Basic Invite is also doing some nice things with gold foil, which can really class up an invitation suite.

When you order your invitations with Basic Invite, it's very easy to click on each section of the card and edit text to suit your event. Colors are nearly always customizable, and you can easily add or remove extras at low costs to keep things personal and apropos.

Their website even offers a large number of free printables, which are adorable and help make party planning even easier.

Invitation from Basic Invite

Want to learn even more? Check out Basic Invite on social media:

Have you ever used Basic Invite? What did you think? I'd love to hear about your experiences!


*This post was sponsored by Basic Invite.

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