Traveling Coast to Coast and Big Changes on the Horizon
Updated: Dec 15, 2022
In the last year, I’ve been lucky. I finally made it to the West Coast and touched the Pacific Ocean for the first time. I traveled to Maine, as far east as it gets in this country, and swam in the Atlantic Ocean. I visited the desert in one of our southernmost states, and I live just three hours from our northern border. I even had the opportunity to visit Scotland, one of the countries on my bucket list. This was all in the last 12 months. For someone who loves to travel, it doesn’t get much better than this.
As I reflect on my excursions, I can’t help but feel a twinge of sadness. As some of you know, I’m expecting my first child soon, and I anticipate that my wanderlust may be put on hold for awhile. I fully plan to expose my little one to nature and history and culture as soon as they are able to travel, but things will change from the days of carefree, last-minute adventures, which my husband and I have greatly enjoyed in the past few years. Our trips may be a little calmer and shorter for awhile, and we certainly won’t be able to afford some of the splurges we’ve enjoyed in the past. And you know what? That’s okay.
2018 has been a crazy year, what with planning for and adjusting to life as a self-employed worker, preparing for a baby, and trying to squeeze every last bit of travel into our free weekends. I live in constant fear of missing out, so I wanted to be sure I checked off a few bucket list items before our lives changed in a more permanent way.
I can’t wait to be a mother, and I can’t wait to share my love for seeing the world and all it has to offer with my little one. In the meantime, I have a lot of catching up to do here on the blog. All of my notes and photos from our trips have been sitting idly by while I focused on washing baby clothes and building my business. I’m eager to share some of our recent experiences and my tips for travel to Scotland, California, Arizona, and Maine here with you. Stay tuned for those things, as well as advice about working from home and entrepreneurship. I’m hoping to get a few more outings in before we meet our baby, so I’ll be sure to stop back with those details, too!
If you’re enjoying any last-minute summer travels or have great advice on vacationing with children, I’d love to hear about it! Drop a comment below or find me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. Blogging Success is also a great place to interact with other writers and entrepreneurs, if you’re so inclined. Happy adventuring!