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February Fitness.

With all my talk about (and consumption of) delicious food lately, it isn't any wonder that I'm feeling a bit sluggish. Generally, I eat well, but this year I've had a particularly difficult time getting out of the holiday-eating mindset and back on track. I don’t really believe in New Year’s Resolutions (sorry, but if something matters, you shouldn’t have to wait for a specific time to commit to it), but I guess I’m hypocritical in that I had told myself once the holidays were over I’d clean things up a bit and get back on the treadmill. I’ve been sporadically successful, but I have a couple of weddings to attend this summer, so I need to commit a little bit more.

In the past, I’ve found some success with fitness trackers like MyFitnessPal. Journaling my food and exercise definitely helps to keep me on track. I find that once I start eating wholesome food and working in some regular exercise, even for as little as one week, I am already feeling better. My energy levels rise, I’m more cheerful, and it’s a lot easier to forge ahead with eating right and living well.

My goal is to wear a certain dress to each of the weddings this summer. I already own them, and I know how they fit and feel. I want them to fit me a certain way so I feel confident. Right now, they’re a bit tight. My goal, now official because I’m telling all of you, is to be at the point of *wedding confidence* by the beginning of May. That’s basically eleven weeks from now. This is a very achievable and safe fitness goal. (I’m all about slow, gradual weight loss and muscle-building. There’s no reason to do anything unhealthy in the interest of becoming healthier. At its very core, that makes no sense.) I’m not a personal trainer or dietitian, so I don’t pretend to offer medical advice. As I move forward with my fitness goals, however, I will touch base here on the blog with some fun exercises, healthy recipes, or other suggestions that I’m finding helpful. Let me know what works for you, and we can all be a little healthier together!

Here’s a chart I’m using to set reasonable goals for myself each week as I move forward to improve my health.

As you can see, I’ve only set goals for weeks one through three. I find if I set specific goals too far out I am less likely to follow through. It works best for me if I continually reevaluate my progress and plan my goals accordingly. I’ve uploaded a blank PDF version of this chart in case it might help you as well. It’s available as a free download by clicking on the image above, and also on the "Free Printables" page of the Sweet Frivolity site. I hope it helps, and stay well!


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