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Find Your Why and Find Your Way: How to Keep Going When You Want to Give Up.

Find your why and find your way

Blogging is hard.

There, I said it.

Being on the ball and writing frequent, well-conceived, engaging posts is difficult.

Sharing your posts to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest with cute photos or amazing graphics is even harder.

Spending hours each day trying to grow your blog by interacting with members of blog support groups, creating content calendars, writing courses to offer to your subscribers, and trying to partner with affiliates is damn near impossible.

Especially when you have a full-time job, a lawn to mow, a spouse to love, children to feed, a side-hustle to nourish, laundry to fold, a boss to please...and on and on and on.

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Believe me, I get it. On top of my full-time job, I work here at Sweet Frivolity, run a Facebook group for bloggers, manage a Pinterest collab board, and run a small writing/editing/content management business. I have a wonderful husband, an amazing family, great friends, and a house. I truly, deeply love all of these things and all of these people. But sometimes it gets to be a bit much. There simply isn't enough time in a day to give each of these jobs and people the attention they deserve.

So I lay before you my honest truth: I'm overwhelmed. And I'm guessing you are, too.

When you feel like throwing in the towel, just remember why it is that you do the things you do. Take a deep, truthful look into your soul. Do you love everything you've committed to? Does it bring you joy? If the answer is no, maybe it's time to consider devoting your time to something that does.

Blogging at home with laptop and coffee

Being more focused and less frazzled is currently my number one goal. I need to work on streamlining my many pursuits so that I can have more time for the things that matter most.

But I can tell you one thing for sure: I'll find a way to stick with it.

Blogging is an outlet. Connecting with the wonderful community of bloggers that experiences everything I do is therapeutic. Running my own business, however small, is freeing. These are all things that I want in my life.

And for me, that means finding new and better ways to manage. I will make more lists, schedule more focused blocks of time, and maximize my efficiency. I'll find a way to keep going until I decide that I'm going another way.

And I hope that you will, too.

What do you do to battle the feelings of overwhelm and stress that accompany side-hustles and blogging? I'd love to chat so we can overcome them together!

Good luck to you, and remember to focus on why you're here. Find your why and find your way. If you love being here, it's worth fighting for.


Find your why and find your way graphic

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